Best Vail Hiking Trails

Hiking and exploring the beautiful mountainside is one of the draws of a summer Vail vacation. If you're staying at the Ritz Carlton VailFour Seasons Vail Residence Club, or Ritz Carlton Bachelor Gulch Residence Club, you'll enjoy these trails. All of these trails will allow you to experience amazing views and nature found in Vail Valley. Take note of the difficulty level and length of the trails.

Big Horn Creek Trail

- Medium difficulty, 3.6 miles one way
- Pretty easy walk, less steep than some of the other trails
- Beaver pond sightings, views of Big Horn Falls

Booth Creek Trail

- Difficult, 6 miles one way
- One of the most popular trails with locals and tourists
- Views of the falls and Gore Range, pass through aspen groves

Cross Creek Trail

- Starts out easy, gradually gets more difficult, 15.5 miles
- Goes up the valley to Fancy Pass, several hidden lakes along the way

Deluge Creek Trail

- Difficult, 4 miles one way
- It's a steep trail with a tough climb up, but you'll see amazing views of Vail and Gore Range
- Pass Deluge Lake, an isolated lake surrounded by granite peaks

Fall Creek Trail

- Moderate, 9 miles one way
- Pass by Lake Constantine, where there is great fishing, Seven Sisters Lakes, and Hunky Dory Lake

Gore Creek Trail

- Difficult, 6.4 miles
- The first 5 miles go along the creek and through meadows and aspen treet
- The 5th mile forks, and you can go to either Gore Lake or Red Buffalo Pass


Ritz Carlton Bachelor Gulch Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony


Ritz Carlton Lake Tahoe Christmas Events