Traveling with Kids

Family vacations are great, but traveling with kids can be a challenge that requires planning and resourcefulness. Here are a few tips that can make things easier:

Book a direct flight. One of the most stressful things about flying can be catching the connecting flight. People take their time removing their carry-ons from the overhead compartments and getting off the plane, and this can be an especially grueling process if you're at the back of a large plane. If the kids have finally fallen asleep, now you have to wake them up and get everyone situated all over again. If possible, it's definitely best to avoid this hassle and just book a direct flight.

Travel at non peak times. Non peak times are late at night, midday, or Monday through Wednesday. There are more empty seats on flights during these times, giving you and your kids extra space to stretch out and get comfortable. Comfortable kids are happy kids!

Use the family lane during check-in. TSA has made improvements to checkpoint services based on customer feedback. The "Black Diamond" program has been implemented in over 50 airports to enable expert travelers to quickly get through checkpoints, allowing families and travelers with more complicated needs more time and assistance. The "green line" is for families or beginner travelers. However, if your family is up to speed on all TSA rules, check out the "blue line" for intermediates, or even the "black line" for expert travelers.

Get through Security as fast as possible. You can do this by wearing slip on shoes (such as Crocs), not wearing belts, and putting all electronics, keys, and loose change into a carry on tote. This makes things faster and cuts down on lost items. You won't have to worry about reminding everyone to check their bins to make sure they've taken all their items because you'll have them all in the tote.

Pack plenty of entertainment. Gameboys, iPods, iPad (fully stocked with movies), or Kindles will help keep your kids entertained and hopefully, quiet on the plane.

Don't forget to rest. Part of the fun of going on a family vacation is the fun activitites. However, if everyone isn't well rested, they can get cranky and the fun will be ruined. Make sure you have some down time each day to maintain your energy and sanity!

Split up. It's great to do things as a family, but it can be nice to have some alone time too. Maybe one day dad can take the kids to the pool while mom goes to the spa, or mom can take the kids biking while dad enjoys a game of golf.

Plan the itinerary together. Take everyone's wishes into consideration so everyone feels included. Talk to your kids about what kind of activities they'd like to do, or if there's anything in particular they'd like to see. Getting everyone involved is a great way to make sure they have fun.

Take advantage of Kids Programs at your hotel. The Ritz Carlton offers the Ritz Kids Program, and the Four Seasons offers Kids For All Seasons. These programs allow parents to enjoy some quality time together, while resting assured that their children are in the capable hands of a trained professional.

Our vacation rentals are all in great destinations, like Vail, northern California, and St. Thomas. Each location has a wide range of outdoor activities and amenities that will be enjoyed by the whole family!


Christmas at the Ritz Carlton St. Thomas


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